16 thoughts on “Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?”

  1. LA-02. CQ politics once again gives a more or less favorable nod to Jefferson’s chances, they love incumbents. Although they focus on Jefferson obtaining the third place primary finisher’s endorsement, they fail to mention that the 4th & 5th place finishers endorsed Karen Carter-D.
    It has fundraising info:


  2. Mitch Daniels is extremely vulnerable and his poor performance helped to create the general climate in the state that led to the Democrats picking up three House seats.  Daniels made (at least) two colossal blunders.

    1) he privatized the toll way system and sold the rights to operate it to (I believe without relooking it up, to European interests).  The voters in Indiana were outraged that their toll monies not only are going out of state, but (I believe) out of the country.  And the contract is for a  huge chunk of time too.

    2) Daniels decided that local control should decide day lights savings time and the mish mash of decisions made by the various counties has enraged and complicated the lives of Indianians.

    His privitize and localize mentaliy is what has driven his popularity so low and we need to retake the Governors office in advance of the 2010 reapportionment.

    Too bad Even Bayh doesn’t have his eyesight set on the Governor’s mansion which he could win and appoint his replacement, rather than the White House, which he will not win.

  3. In the Senate, my home state of OR will see moderate Republican Gordon Smith up for re-election.

    Other Senate races I’m eager for Dem pickups include Allard (CO), Warner (VA), Domenici (NM), Sununu (NH), Collins (ME), as all are in states trending blue. On our side, the seat of Levin (MI) if he retires. And I’d like to see Landrieu beaten in the primary in LA, but that crooked state seems to like its lousy and crooked politicians, so that’s just wishful thinking.

    In the House, lots of the same as this year that I’d like to see defeated:

    Jerry Lewis (CA-41)
    Musgrave (CO-4)
    Young (FL-10)
    ??? (FL-13), where Jennings was robbed (maybe)
    Kirk (IL 10)
    Porter (NV-3)
    Ferguson (NJ-7)
    Wilson (NM-1)
    Hayes (NC-8)
    Schmidt (OH-2)
    Tiberi (OH-12)
    Gerlach (PA-6)
    Murphy (PA-18)
    Cubin (WY-AtLg)

    As all signs point to a recession in 2007, the Rust Belt seats will be volatile again, at least in the primaries. Dem incumbents championing economic fairness issues can stave off trouble by doing so.

  4. Kentucky lawmakers are considering a constitutional amendment which would allow the automatic restoration of voting rights to felons after they have finished their sentences. Activists backed their proposal with a new poll showing that 56 percent of Kentuckians support such a change.

  5. (On our side)  If the big freshman class of 06 can sustain itself almost entirely, we’ll be on the way to a long-lasting majority.  In particular, I’m interested in MN-01, where my new congressman, Tim Walz, beat my old one, Gil Gutknecht 53-47.  I’m interested to see if there’s a rematch, or if not, who challenges Tim, and how viable they are. 

  6. Mitch Daniels  {R-In} has made several major blunders including telling every county that they could choose which time zone they wanted to observe.  When several of the counties chose differently than he wanted, he overrode and imposed his choice.  He was almost invisible during this 06 campaign when the GOP lost 3 congressional seats and control of the Indiana House..  At this point, the Dems have no creditable candidate for 08,  someone needs to step up soon.  Evan Bayh was a do nothing governor for the 8 years he was there but he kept his promise not to raise taxes.  He could get elected again but it would not be good for Indiana.

  7. More coverage of the growing influence of libertarians in American politics.  Libertarians are not just with the Libertarian Party any more.  There’s a growing wing of libertarians in the GOP.  Check out the Republican Liberty Caucus. 

  8. There are 47 “New Coalition” Democrats, or 40 some Blue Dog Democrats (Ellen’s in both groups) and if we replaced half of these Republican-lite members, there’d still be plenty to go around. Ellen voted for the bankrupcy bill last year, had some choice words about progressives http://davidsirota.c
    the California 10th can certainly do better

  9. Charlie Norwood is very ill and it would be prudent to start condsidering a Democrat to run to replace him.  He has already survived a lung transplant and now apparently has liver cancer.  Info from the Georgia Women Vote bogsite.

  10. Well, Tim Walz & especially Nancy Boyda make clear that they credit Howard Dean’s 50 State strategy for their success. See the

    Basehor Sentinel 4 Dec 2006

    “….Mr. Dean invited two newly elected members of the House to address the gathering of a few dozen party officials. The representatives-elect, Tim Walz of Minnesota and Nancy Boyda of Kansas, said they defeated Republican incumbents with the help of Mr. Dean’s on-the-ground strategy to reorganize and rebuild the party. In an interview, Ms. Boyda said it was time to look forward. She said that she and the other Democrats who defeated Republican candidates would face a difficult burden winning re-election if the party did not follow through on pledges made in the midterm elections. “My personal concern is that the presidential campaign is going to dominate the conversation,” Ms. Boyda said. “If that happens and Democrats can’t get anything done, we will get kicked out of office just as fast as the Republicans.”

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